
Weekday School is a registered non-profit entity. Because we believe strongly in the accessibility of education, we strive to keep our tuition costs low. We are able to thrive thanks to generous donations from our families and community members. If you are able to support our work financially, we gratefully encourage you to do so.

Offline Donations


Call Jackie DeLucia at (862)-438-5223 to make a donation; your gift will be credited to that date.

By mail:

Please make your check payable to Weekday School and send it to:

Weekday School
Attn: Jackie Delucia
111 Irvington Ave
South Orange, NJ 07079

Weekday’s EIN is 221493158

Other Giving Options

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Please be sure to communicate Weekday’s tax ID and mailing address to your fund administrator should you elect to give through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF). If your gift from a DAF is for anything other than Weekday School, please make sure the restriction is known by the DAF administrator and that the grant letter states the specific designation.

Wire Transfers/Stock Gifts

Please contact to arrange for a wire transfer or Gift of Securities directions.

Matching Gifts

Please inquire if your employer engages in matching gift programs. Most programs match on a dollar-per-dollar basis and can double or triple the size of your gift. All matching support will be credited to you.

Planned Giving

Contact Jackie DeLucia at for more information on how best to incorporate Weekday School into your estate plans.