Weekday School

A progressive school nurturing curious learners

Branded pencil

Eyes up

Hearts up

Minds sharp

We recite this poem by Lin-Manuel Miranda after Morning Meeting. 

It reminds us of what’s important and helps us set our intentions for the day.

Compassion for all is the foundation of Weekday School. 

Our Constitution

As admissions season ends and applications are rolling in, I have been thinking a lot about what specifically makes Weekday School so unique. And this past Monday morning when I entered the school building and glanced at the Weekday Constitution on the bulletin board, it dawned on me. What sets us apart is the tremendous value we place on how children feel about themselves. As a community, we believe that these early years should be spent building a child up, helping them discover who they really are, and encouraging them to find strong and capable feelings inside of them.

Two girls writing on a constiution

The Weekday Constitution is a living document that comes entirely from the children. The children add to it often with phrases they believe fully describe what is most important to us as a school. Sentiments like, “Be free to express your creativity,” “It’s okay to feel and understand your emotions,” and “Share your thoughts with other people,” are written across the page. The phrases the children choose to put on the constitution are a strong indicator of how deeply they have absorbed the core values of our school. Weekday students really internalize the importance of treating ourselves and others with compassion, of expressing ourselves authentically, and of sharing our true selves with others. When children feel seen and valued for who they are and feel a deep sense of belonging within a community, their learning potential knows no bounds!

Weekday Spotlight

Weekday Spotlight

Weekday School is excited to introduce
Summer at Weekday: A World of Exploration!

Click here for more information and to register.